Nobody said life was fair. It often isn’t. All children learn things don’t bend to their wishes and throw tantrums, learning to cope with disappointment; sometimes as adults, situations in which we find ourselves force us to lose our natural composure and self-control because we feel ‘wronged’ and the powerful emotion expressed as anger.
Anger is a primitive emotion useful for when we lived in prehistoric times when it helped to keep us alive in the face of danger. Anger, amongst other chemical changes, triggers an adrenaline rush designed to help us focus upon a life-threatening situation yet the same response can be triggered by a colleague at work or as most of us have experienced by an inconsiderate driver.
Hypnosis will help you redirect the emotion so that you remain in control, keep thinking clearly; because you no longer become upset, are can you consider alternatives and feel better; others around you may remark about how more laid back you are. Most people find relationships in their everyday lives begin to improve.